Health Coaching Services
Becoming a certified health coach through the National Society of Health Coaches (NSHC) gave me a new framework to support people making changes in their lives. NSHC “is the only certifying body designed specifically for licensed health practitioners credentialed to coach those with moderate to high health risks, chronic conditions, and disease. Our program is among the leading health coach certification programs, focusing on holistic health.”
My botanical medicine perspective comes through in many of my coaching recommendations, but I am flexible and open to what works for the individual in front of me. We go over the comprehensive intake form in the first visit and develop a custom plan that will be available in the Client Portal.
The four visit model works well for many clients, but especially for those who wish to explore symptoms through a neuroplastic or mindbody approach. These visits follow evidence based protocols from recent research studies.
All of my health coaching focuses on meeting clients in their current terrain and finding ways to help them bloom where they are planted. Everyone gets homework. And botanical metaphors.
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
— Lao Tzu
Pricing for Coaching Visits
Initial Coaching Visit $150/sixty minutes
The first visit is spent going over intake information and identifying priorities. Initial recommendations are made during the visit and a more detailed Protocol is made available in the Client Portal after the visit. Some people choose to work with a new perspective and their customized plan on their own and some continue with coaching Follow Up appointments.
Follow Up Coaching Visits $120/sixty minutes
Package of Four Health Coaching Visits $440 (60 minute visits)
Hybrid Visits for Coaching and Massage Therapy
With this option, health coaching follow up can be combined with a massage therapy appointment. Timing is discussed at the start of the visit, such as thirty minutes of health coaching follow up and sixty minutes of massage in a ninety minute Hybrid Appointment. These visits are also available in packages of three or four appointments and can be flexibly used for just massage therapy. This hybrid approach has evolved over many years, with some clients appreciating having an Initial Health Coaching visit so Susan can thoroughly understand their health history, make initial recommendations and then partner with them in their health journey as they come for health coaching or massage. While she is not acting as a treating medical provider in these visits, she can offer perspective and information.
"Our only security in life is our ability to change.”
— John Lilly